關於日本行為的舉止 Manners about behavior in Japan.



Manners about behavior in Japan.

How to throw away garbage.

Do not forget to take your garbage with yourseif.

When you throw away your rubbish, follow the instructions and sort them out into cans, bottles, PET bottles, and inflammable garbage.

Do not walk on the street in seimming wears.

In Japan, the basic rule of manners is to “do not give unpleasantness to others”. In short, walking the city in a swimsuit is definitely a courtesy violation.

Put on clothes when walking.

Other prohibited matters.

  • Enter the restaurant with a wet swimsuit and eat.
  • Shopping at a convenience store or a store with wet swimsuits.
  • Take a taxi full of sand on the way back from the beach.

Please cooperate for appropriate sales, safety measures, and landscape preservation.

About exchange at a bank ATM.

You are supposed to pay cash for the bus driver, Japanese YEN is required.

Please do not forget to exchange money at an ATM in a convenience store or a bank.

More about money exchange at the bank ATM.

Be careful about heat stroke.

Be careful of heatstroke because it is too hot on Miyako island. Stay hydrated.

In the case of heat stroke, good water and salt supply is the point. By supplying not only water but also salt, improvement of symptoms can be expected. For salt supply, salt candy, tablets and pickled plum are also effective. All of these can be purchased at convenience stores.

In addition, it is very hard to notice when swimming, but the amount of sweat is said to be 1.5 times the usual. Be especially careful when playing on the beach.

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