
  • 日本百景のひとつに数えられる絶景ポイント
  • 宮古島の南東の端に位置しています。
  • 灯台に登って、地球が丸いことを確認してみましょう!
  • 冬の終わり頃にはてっぽうゆりが満開になります。








  • 灯塔的入场费为200日元。爬上楼梯从上面俯瞰的景色更加壮丽。
  • 东平安名崎也是观赏日出的好地方。特別是新年第一次日出时许多市民会特地到这里来。








  • 燈塔的入場費為200日元。爬上樓梯從上面俯瞰的景色更加壯麗。
  • 東平安名崎也是觀賞日出的好地方。特別是新年第一次日出時許多市民會特地到這裡來。

It was selected 100 Landscapes of Japan! Standard sightseeing spot “Higashi Hennnazaki”

Higashi Hennazaki(promontory), located on the easternmost tip of Miyakojima Island, is selected as one of the 100 most scenic spots in Japan and is a staple of scenic spots in Miyakojima Island.

The length of the green ridge that protrudes into the blue ocean is about 2.5 km. The view from the Higashi Hennazaki lighthouse at the tip is superb. And there is a sight spot in front of the entrance to Higashi Hennnanazaki.

Take a walk slowly on the promenade of Higashi Hennnazaki.

In the surrounding area, coastal plants unique to the subtropics spread to cover the lighthouse. Coastal tropical flora unique to the subtropics are spreading to cover the Promontory. You can encounter a variety of plants unique to southern countries such as the natural monument “Osteomeles anthyllidifolia” and “Ipomoea pes-caprae”.

Particularly famous is “Lilium longiflorum”, which blooms from spring to early summer.

Stand at the border between the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean!

The Lighthouse at the tip of the Higashi Hennnazaki is exactly the border between the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. When you go out the door and head straight to the sea and spread out your hands, the right hand direction is directly connected to Hateruma Island and the left hand direction with Arasaki of Okinawa main land.

The Pacific Ocean before this line, the back side, the sea that spreads on both sides of the pass is the East China Sea.

  • The lighthouse has an entrance fee of 200 yen. The sea that climbs up the stairs and looks down from above is another wonderful view.
  • Higashi Hennnazaki is also a spot of sunrise. Many citizens go here for the sunrise on New Year’s Day.
平良港Hirara Port
about 33 min
about 5.2 hours


>Be.Okinawa 多语言咨询中心

Be.Okinawa 多语言咨询中心

This is a public service for foreign visitors provided by Okinawa Prefecture.It provides tourist information, interpreter services and caring support for travelers in emergencies.

Business Hours: 9:00-21:00
Supported Language:English, Traditional Chinese(繁體中文), Simplified Chinese(简体中文), Korean(한국어), Thai(ไทย)

Please contact us if you have any inquiries about tourism in Okinawa either before or during your trip.Service is free of charge. There will be call charges only.