
  • 池間大橋は1992年に開通した全長1425mの橋。
  • 池間大橋の入り口付近も絶景スポットの一つ
  • 池間島の袂にはドライブインも
  • のどかな池間島の風景をお楽しみください。

遇见Ikema Blue。梦想和憧憬的池间大桥。






另外广场也设有被称为“precast block”之构造物的展示,这是池间大桥主要使用的建材。



  • 在池间岛上有许多旅游景点,如“Funakusu海滩”,“Heart Rock”和“池间溼原”。 让我们悠閒地游览池间岛。
  • 池间大桥休憩区的商店“海见来”的招牌是海螺冲绳面。屋顶上的观景台座位可眺望池田大桥的风景。
  • “八重干濑”位于池间岛的东北部,也被潜水爱好者称为“梦幻大陆”。

遇見Ikema Blue。夢想和憧憬的池間大橋。






另外廣場也設有被稱為“precast block”之構造物的展示,這是池間大橋主要使用的建材。



  • 在池間島上有許多旅遊景點,如“Funakusu海灘”,“Heart Rock”和“池間溼原”。 讓我們悠閒地遊覽池間島。
  • 池間大橋休憩區的商店“海見來”的招牌是海螺沖繩麵。屋頂上的觀景台座位可眺望池田大橋的風景。
  • “八重干瀨”位於池間島的東北部,也被潛水愛好者稱為“夢幻大陸”。

The Ikema Ohashi Bridge is filled with dreams and aspirations. The sea is called “Ikema Blue”.

Ikema Ohashi Bridge, which connects Miyakojima Island and Ikemajima Island, is a 1420m bridge that opened in 1992. Among the three bridges in Miyakojima Island, the first to be opened is Ikema Ohashi. The view of the sea from the bridge is exceptional.

Ikema Ohashi Bridge is a triathletic competition All Japan Triathlon Competition Miyakojima bike course. Furthermore, in the north-east direction of the bridge, there is “Yabiji”, which is admired by divers around the world, and it is a beautiful bridge full of dreams and aspirations.

Activities recommended for Ikeda Ohashi Drive-In.

There are several dining options and souvenir shops at Ikema Ohashi Drive-In on the right hand side across the Ikema Ohashi Bridge.

“Kaimiru(海見来)” has a terrace seating on the third floor where you can dine in a spectacular view of Ikeda Bridge.

Attention is also focused on the block called “precast block”, which is the main body of the Ikema Ohashi Bridge in the open space!

Marine ethnic island. If you are sightseeing in “Ikemajima Island”

To the northeast of Ikemajima Island, there is Japan’s largest coral reef group called “Yabiji”, and it is also a place for divers to admire, and it is also a rich fishing ground for islanders who are said to be marine people. You can feel this kind of maritime ethnicity from all over the island such as sightseeing spots, food and souvenirs.

  • There are many tourist attractions on Ikema Island such as “Funakusu Beach”, “Heart Rock”, and “Ikema Wetland”. Let’s take a leisurely tour of Ikemajima Island.
  • Ikema Ohashi Drive-In “Kaimiru(海見来)” is a specialty of Turban shell soba. The terrace seating on the roof also overlooks the Ikeda Bridge.
  • Located in the northeast of Ikemajima Island, “Yabiji” is also called “Phantom Continent” by divers.
平良港Hirara Port
about 18 min
about 3 hour
>Be.Okinawa 多语言咨询中心

Be.Okinawa 多语言咨询中心

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