
  • 宮古島と来間島を結ぶ「全長1690m」の橋
  • 与那覇前浜ビーチから見る眺めも素晴らしい
  • 橋の上からシーサーが見守る
  • 橋を渡ればそこは来間島



来间岛是一个风景秀丽, 步调悠閒的离岛。建议您过桥后不要马上回转离开,岛上有许多景物值得您慢慢品嚐。








  • 来间大桥禁止停车。原因是桥的中央部份较高,停车易遮住后续车辆视线造成危险。如果想在上欣赏风景,请务必步行或骑自行车前往。
  • 冬季(12月至2月)风强时或台风前后,勿在来间大桥上散步,以避免危险。



來間島是一個風景秀麗, 步調悠閒的離島。建議您過橋後不要馬上迴轉離開,島上有許多景物值得您慢慢品嚐。








  • 來間大橋禁止停車。原因是橋的中央部份較高,停車易遮住後續車輛視線造成危險。如果想在上欣賞風景,請務必步行或騎自行車前往。
  • 冬季(12月至2月)風強時或颱風前後,勿在來間大橋上散步,以避免危險。

New drive route opened! “Irabu Ohashi Bridge”

Irabu Island, which was separated by Miyakojima and the Strait. Until now, the only way to get to Irabu Island and Shimoji Island beyond is by ferry. However, since the long-awaited “Irabu Ohashi Bridge” opened on January 31, 2015, it became possible to go by land route.

Furthermore, the “Irabu Ohashi Bridge” is the longest bridge in Japan that can be passed free of charge, and its length is 3,540 meters. It is a bridge that can be said to be a perfect driving spot for Miyako Island surrounded by rich coral reefs.

Let’s enjoy the view from Irabu Ohashi Bridge!

The attraction of the Irabu Ohashi Bridge is the scenery as if it were just driving on the sea. There are representative Kurima Ohashi Bridge and Ikema Ohashi Bridge in Miyakojima, but Irabu Ohashi Bridge has another characteristic.

The big difference between the two bridges is that the bridges draw curves. The height difference between the low part near the sea surface and the high part for passing the ship is clearer than the other bridges.

The landscape on the Irabu Island, which opens from the top of the bridge, is just like a movie scene.

The Irabu Ohashi Bridge is also a wonderful sunset viewing spot.

“Tuliva Beach” located near the entrance to the Irabu Ohashi Bridge on Miyakojima. It is famous as a scenic spot of the setting sun, and depending on the time, you can see the setting sun that sinks over the Irabu Ohashi Bridge.

It is also recommended to spend time watching the silhouette of the Irabu Ohashi Bridge and the view of the sea dyed in the sunset color.

  • Kurima Ohashi Bridge is a car parking ban. Since the central part of the bridge rises in the Kuril Ohashi Bridge, if the on-street parking is done, the following vehicles can not check oncoming vehicles, which is very dangerous. If you want to enjoy the view from the bridge, let’s walk!
  • On the very windy day of Miyakojima Island (December – February) in winter, or before or after a typhoon, do not walk walking on the Kurima Ohashi Bridge as it is very dangerous.
平良港Hirara Port
about 21 min
about 2.3 hour
>Be.Okinawa 多语言咨询中心

Be.Okinawa 多语言咨询中心

This is a public service for foreign visitors provided by Okinawa Prefecture.It provides tourist information, interpreter services and caring support for travelers in emergencies.

Business Hours: 9:00-21:00
Supported Language:English, Traditional Chinese(繁體中文), Simplified Chinese(简体中文), Korean(한국어), Thai(ไทย)

Please contact us if you have any inquiries about tourism in Okinawa either before or during your trip.Service is free of charge. There will be call charges only.